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Category Archives: blog posts

The Sad Truth about Learning Meditation

Most Learning Meditation will Give Up within 90 Days Let’s cut right to it. The sad truth is that only a small percentage of all the people who try and learn meditation will succeed. I am defining success as developing a regular practice of at least 4 sessions per week of 20 minutes or more. …

Using Meditation to Attain Financial Freedom

Meditation can Be Paramount to Attaining Freedom from Money Constraints A spiritual approach to understanding and manifesting financial freedom In this article, we will discuss 4 ‘buckets’ of information to expand your understanding of the spiritual nature of money, value and wealth. These buckets include; Aligning your inner world with God’s abundance (identifying and rejecting …

Overcoming Difficulty Meditating (when you used to meditate a lot)

What to do when your Meditation Practice has Faded Away Was there a time when you had a good groove going with meditation? Did ‘life get in the way’ and you find yourself rarely getting a few minutes in anymore? For those with difficulty meditating even though you once had a practice, this article is …

Meditation for a Stronger Immune System

There are certain illnesses that are tied to emotional distress. Traditional medicine has been reluctant link the two except to say that stress weakens the immune system which ‘may’ lead to the development of some illnesses. Those who connect with the naturopathic or homeopathic approaches to holistic health are confident that the connection between emotional/spiritual …

Is Meditation a ‘Miracle Cure’?

The short answer is… no. Meditation is best seen as a process, not a cure. It is a process of taking time out from the day to direct your focused attention to your inner life (away from your outer life). The inner life is private to all of us. Our outer life is what people …

Top Seven Reason Most People Don’t Continue in Their Meditation Practice

Meditation can leave you feeling inspired, unburdened and renewed in your daily life. But you will need perseverance because meditating draws on abilities that are typically not well developed in most. While the actual practice is a solitary experience, meditating in a specific place where the energy is built up to be conducive to deep …

Benefits of Western Meditation

The Benefits of Western Meditation are Specific Tools to Reduce Negative States of Being Why is it that so many meditation studios in the US present Eastern styles of meditation and Eastern philosophies? The reason is simple and logical. Meditation originated in the East and essentially was brought to the West by gurus, yogis and …

Meditation and the Truth

Meditation Brings Truth but without the Ears to Hear it, Very Little Changes Recently I came across this website that had a wonderful story about a man who had meditated for years hoping to connect with God. These kinds of fable-like tales can be so powerful because they simplify the context to a way that makes …

How to Open a Meditation Studio

Steps to Opening a Successful Meditation Studio Be Prepared to Adjust your Expectations By Andrew Shykofsky   In all decent sized cities, at least in America, you’ll find a holistic community. And if you’re lucky, nestled within this community will be a meditation studio. In this article, I will share tips based on my years …

Meditation for Anxiety

Meditation for Anxiety Reduction may be Better than Traditional Talk Therapy in the Long Run Many people arrive at our Meditation Center here in Chicago looking for a way to overcome feelings of anxiety or hoping to quiet their overactive mind. These are truly rampant conditions for a lot of people regardless of how old …

The Mind and Meditation

Is it OK to use Your Mind While in Meditation?  Yes and here are some things to think about… The mind and meditation are often portrayed as enemies. The idea that is widely taught is that you must patiently and persistently strive to still your mind in order to relax and meditate. Personally, I disagree. …

What is Body Mind Emotions Meditation?

BMEM or Body Mind Emotions Meditation Opens your Consciousness so you can become Unblocked You have likely heard about TM or Transcendental Meditation as well as Mindfulness (MBSR) as leading forms of meditation. People also associate Buddhist Meditation as its own style but who knows about BMEM or Body Mind Emotions Meditation? BMEM is a …

Do they Say you are Oversensitive?

Can Meditation Affect your ‘Oversensitive’ Nature? Being labeled oversensitive is common and it is an easy way to discredit some important feelings a person may be having. This can happen when you have strong feelings about something and another person doesn’t want to honor how you feel. The ‘oversensitive’ label is tossed out implying you …

How to Meditate

How to Meditate… It’s doable though might frustrate you a bit. Learn How to Meditate by Simply Observing the Workings of Your Mind The true spiritual approach to meditation starts with an attitude of compassion. How so? Until one learns how to meditate, life can seem quite rough. The mind is not a relaxing place …

A Meditation Techniques for Beginners. Try it!

When Seeking Meditation Techniques, Be Open to Thinking There is an old joke… a man asks his friend how his son is doing since he has been unemployed. The friend says his son is doing better in his job search since he started meditating. The man then asks, “What is meditating?” and the reply comes back, …

The Difference between Eastern Meditation and Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness Meditation is More Scientific in is Approach while Eastern Meditation is more Esoteric Most of the meditation classes and teachings found online have an Eastern feel. We in the West often think of meditation as originating in those cultures such as India, Tibet, and other Asian countries. Perhaps it did. The symbolism is very …

Meditation for a Strong Head to Heart Connection

Scientific Support that Dropping from Head to Heart Focus is a Real Physiological Experience In BMEM or Body-Mind-Emotions Meditation, we practice a technique known as the Head to Heart flip. This is a process in which you direct your consciousness away from the head and into the heart. It can be thought of as though …

Is Falling Asleep While Meditating Normal?

How can I prevent myself falling asleep while meditating? It is a common occurrence. People are making a sincere effort but keep falling asleep while meditating. Why is this happening and how can it be fixed? Let’s examine the three most common reasons that people are falling asleep while meditating. 1. Sleep Deprived – The most common …

A Meditation Tip to Make Meditation Much More Interesting

The Real Secret to Meditation is about Reclaiming Authority Over your Mind One thing that drives most people away from meditation is the near impossible task of stilling the mind. Much of the teaching you read will focus on this and an extended focus on breathing. In practicing and teaching meditation for decades, I have …

Creative Visualization – Science or New Age Fluff?

Does Creative Visualization Really have any Effect or are we being Sold a Bottle of Snake Oil? There are lots of exciting internet articles discussing the technique of Creative Visualization. Reading all this stuff can definitely get you excited about what is possible. The idea is that you can sit in meditation, relax your being …