Feedback from Level 1 Meditation Course Students
Overall, how did you enjoy the Level 1 Meditation Course?
“I rated the course a 9 because I read several reviews prior to taling the class and they were all good. I had high expectations and they were met.” ~ Rikke Vognsen
“The experience was better than expected. The space was clean, quiet and peaceful. I liked the format: lesson, practice.” ~ this participant chose to remain anonymous
“I rate this coure a 10 for multiple reasons. Beginning a meditation practice is not easy and takes some time, commitment and repetition. The course manual and flash drive are great tools for use during the length of the course. The class discussions are insightful and very well guided.” ~ Ankit Jain, Engineer
“This class has exceeded my expectations in every way and I truly feel the benefits of this practice. In fact, many others have commented on my changed demeanor. I so apprepciate the weekly classes, the USB drive, the ability to check in with the instructor whenever needed and the weekly focus of study. This approach really resonated with me and is very user friendly.” ~ Kate Solis Silva
“I joined the class not knowing what to expect. The CD of the Guided Meditation was so easy to follow and I ended up really looking forward to meditating everyday. It was my dedicated 20 minutes a day that was truly for myself.” ~ Lissette Aquino
“On a practical level, the Level One Meditation Class has given me a life-changing tool for processing emotions, managing stress, and problem solving. On a spiritual level, the course opened the door to a new way of looking at life that has been truly transformative. I would recommend this class to just about anyone who has an interest in “inner work” as a tool for improving life and becoming more creative. The guidance and support I received from Andrew (who is a uniquely perceptive teacher and therefore able to offer life-changing insights) were amazing; I feel I’m viewing my life with greater clarity as a result. I also enjoyed being part of a community of students and learning from the challenges and experiences of others as reconnected each week to see how a meditation practice was working in our lives. As a mom, I feel far calmer and able to perceive solutions when my kids are “testing” me. As a writer, I now have a new tool for accessing creativity when I need it most.” ~Jennifer Alison, writer
“The course exceeded my expectations, because it was an approach to meditation I have never experienced before. I really enjoyed the focus/topic each week, which I felt had a great flow and helped to really develop my practice. I found the lessons a great tool to continuing my practice at home. As an intro class, I wouldn’t change anything.” ~Ashley Tanko, retail store manager
“I truly enjoyed the experience and appreciated your passion and attention.” ~Sandy, film and video producer
“I liked the discussions, the lesson structure and the different lessons.” ~Dan Butt
“Overall it was more than I anticipated. Not only did it start out by providing practical ways to make meditation part of my daily routine, but it also opened me up to a more spiritual look on life.” ~ this participant chose to remain anonymous
“I found the course to be very helpful as a beginning meditation class. I had no prior experience meditating and this class completely met and even went beyond my expectation in terms of teaching me the basics of meditation and how the meditation has been meaningful in my life. I think the only part that was disappointing for me was that I was hoping to find more connection or common experience with fellow classmates and I did not feel that was present. I’m not sure if there would be a way to build more cohesion among people in the class but that is something I missed.” ~ this participant chose to remain anonymous
“I found the course a great way to implement meditation practices into my life. I liked the simple explanations for practicing, the back and forth feedback helped me in my own efforts.” ~ Al Podgorski, photojournalist
“I took the course so I could learn more about the practice. I liked the way the course was organized with specific topics each week, and the syllabus was published ahead of time so we knew what to expect. Andrew guided the classes, but provided many opportunities before, during and after class for questions and discussions. This ‘give and take’ was a very valuable part of each class because it was thought provoking and inspirational. It also helped develop an atmosphere of trust and respect that was critical to the course’s success.”~ Terri, school teacher
I feel (the course) comprehensively covered this approach to meditation, giving us a clearly composed lesson and solid time for (in class) meditation. Andrew encouraged us to share and grow with each other and always reflected openness while also being clear about (his) beliefs.” ~Rose Karasti
I thoroughly enjoyed this course and feel like I have become a better person because of it. I am more aware of my feelings and know how to process emotions in a more effective way. The facility was always immaculate and made me feel welcome and relaxed.”~this participant asked to remain anonymous
“I very much enjoy the approach. It is aligned with my beliefs and experiences thus far.”~this participant asked to remain anonymous
“I found the course extremely helpful and would strongly recommend it to anyone interested in meditation, especially beginners like me! In my opinion this class helped me to use meditation to reconnect with a higher power and simultaneously do self-therapy. Those are both amazing things and I would want to share that with anyone willing to try meditation!” ~this participant asked to remain anonymous
What aspects of the lessons worked best for you?
“I like that the teacher makes room to share personal experiences and has a good sense of humor.” ~ Kate Solis Silva
“Apart from the great lesson material, the open discussion during the session were insightful. The examples during class and the suggestions provided by Andrew were really helpful.” ~ Ankit Jain, Engineer
“I enjoyed the lessons. I liked being able to follow along in the book, or not. Stopping for discussion and questions worked well for me too I always felt like my comments and questions were respected and answered thoroughly.”~this participant asked to remain anonymous
“The lessons were my favorite part because there would be a pause for us to ask questions, comment and share our experiences.” ~ Lissette Aquino
“I enjoyed that all the lessons varied but were relevant to everyone’ s life. I learned so many tools to assist me in my spiritual practice and day to day life. It was great to have real-life examples associated with each lesson, because I was able to get better perspective on how it would apply to my life. There is nothing I would say needs improvement, although more feedback/discussion from the students would have been welcome.” ~Ashley Tanko, retail store manager
“The guiding process to establish a base understanding to apply at home. Love the gong at the end – it always gave me goose bumps – have no idea why.” ~this participant asked to remain anonymous
“I liked the more formal/direct guidance and instruction that Andrew provided because it helped me learn about different meditation techniques and tools to help guide my practice. The open discussion between Andrew and the class members was extremely valuable as well. It was also helpful to receive a handout at the end of each class for home practice. ” ~ Terri, school teacher
“I liked the take home exercise work sheets to help keep the focus all week.”~this participant asked to remain anonymous
“Guidance into meditation with the music and Andrew’s instruction worked well for me. I found it easy to get into a deep state of relaxation. Many methods were explained and I want to take further classes to have more direction in my efforts.” ~ Al Podgorski, photojournalist”
“I liked all the cool tips and techniques in the beginning lessons on how to concentrate, go between mind and heart thinking, relaxing the body. I really loved the beginning sessions where you had longer guided meditation time. Towards the later courses I struggled getting into a deeper meditative state during class, even though I was practicing at home. I wished you would have spent more time guiding the meditation time. I think that’s the part about the Sunday Visualization classes that I really loved – more of the guided meditation side of it.” ~this participant asked to remain anonymous
“What I really liked was when Andrew would elaborate and give real life examples to support what he was reading.”~this participant asked to remain anonymous
“The more hands-on logical portions worked best for me. It was useful to hear what other people in the group had to say.”~this participant asked to remain anonymous
“I felt the lessons were clear and thoughtfully composed. Andrew has the ability to say a lot in a concise way. His use of metaphor is effective.” ~Rose Karasti
Please share where you were as far as your meditation practice when the course began and what has changed for you.
“I had ‘dabbled’ in meditation over the years using information from books to guide me. I never stuck with it for very long. I feel like I’m not on a more dedicated disciplined path and that meditation is now becoming a habit just like exercise. (I feel uncomfortable if I miss more than a day or two)”~this participant asked to remain anonymous
“Before taking this course, I had taken the Guided Visualization course but my practice of meditation was non-existent after the course. That is not say that the visualization course wasn’t great but I believe the 12 week course laid the foundations for a long term practice which no other course could do in my opinion. HAving taken this course, I have made a lot ot positive changes in my life being more responsible, patient, productive and calm than I was before. These changes come along because of the teachings in the lesson, open discussions, having a presence of a community of fellow meditators, guidance by Andrew and the meditations themselves.” ~ Ankit Jain, Engineer
“I have taken a few meditation classes before but have never succeeded in developing a regular practice. I think it will happen now. I liked the systematic, micro step approach.”~Rikke Vognsen
“I wanted to meditate when I came to this class but hadn’t found a consistent group to take part in a class with. I also struggled with feeling the need to commit to a religious practice in the past and nothing felt 100% right. What has changed is that this formula works for me. Your honest and authentic approach works for me. Meditating 4 or 5 times per week for 20 minutes works for me. It’s doable.” ~ Kate Solis Silva
“I had taken a 2X 2hr. course which got me interested but didn’t give me the tools to be very effective. This class with focus on looking inward to open one’s access to the heart and deeper understanding worked for me, though I have a long way to go.”~this participant asked to remain anonymous
“Before the course began I would meditate once a month, during the new moon to set intentions for the upcoming month.. and during yoga classes. What helped me the most about this course was understanding the difference between emotions and feelings and how going into meditation can help me be less reactive.” ~ Lissette Aquino
“I didn’t have a set meditation practice before starting this course, but knew I wanted to develop one. Through this series, I now have a consistent practice. The different lessons and ways a person can utilize meditation as a tool for life has been the most eye-opening part of this course.”~Ashley Tanko, retail store manager
“I had been practicing with guided DVDs and apps for about a year prior to the class. I have grown more in this class as far as practice goes. What helped me most was the general guidance discussions.” ~Holly Prindle
“I couldn’t sit quietly for more than a few minutes and now I can easily reflect and follow a thought for at least twenty minutes or more.” ~Dan Butt
“I had never meditated before the course and really knew nothing about meditation. During the course I was meditating quite often and that has tapered off a little now to where I am still meditating at least 3 times a week. Because I was a complete beginner, just learning the basics and getting in the regular habit of meditation were the most helpful things in getting me to a point where I enjoy and look forward to meditation.”~ this participant chose to remain anonymous
“I was lacking any practice immediately before the class. Today, I maintain a consistent practice of five times a week following the set process. However, I do “mini sessions” at different points in my day as I need. I’m certainly not an expert but finding practical value. I know I’ve only scratched the surface. ~this participant asked to remain anonymous
“I intended to slow my mind and have allotted time to reflect, not fully understanding the intention of meditation. I was enlightened and though it may take a while for me to fully become immersed in all it can provide for me, I now have the tools to try to achieve it.”~Sandy, Film and video producer
“When I started I was not meditating regularly at home at all. I wanted to develop a daily practice and your class definitely did that! I thought your coaching and cheerleading to encourage us to keep meditating every day really helped. It made me stronger in my conviction to just find the time and do it.” ~this participant asked to remain anonymous
“I had never tried meditation before beginning the Guided Mediation sessions over the summer, so this was a totally new journey for me. I could sense the possibilities of a meditation practice after attending these sessions, so I was excited about and open to learning more. I began with the idea that meditation could help me relax – which it certainly has – but I’ve learned that meditation can provide so much more: Getting in touch with your feelings, letting these feelings help guide your life in positive ways, and seeking a more spiritual force in your life are just some of the benefits I’ve discovered thus far. The atmosphere of trust, respect and openness that Andrew helps to create with his patient, loving, and enthusiastic guidance makes all this possible.” ~ Terri, school teacher
“I took the course with the intention of achieving greater calm. I feel that the meditation exercises have helped me to do so.” ~this participant asked to remain anonymous
“I knew very little about meditation and had never tried it before. Having a set time and place every week really helped me stay on track. I didn’t agree with some aspects of the practice but taking what I could from the lessons helped me tremendously.” ~this participant asked to remain anonymous
Please provide feedback on the teacher
“I really appreciated Andrew’s candor and light heartedness when appropriate and his honesty about when it is hard work. No aspects felt negative to me.” ~ Kate Solis Silva
“Andrew sets up every class with a welcoming feeling – we’re able to share our experiences & ask questions. As a beginner, I felt completely comfortable and the sapce was very welcoming.” ~Lissette Aquino
“I thought the instructor, Andrew is what made the course so excellent. He has so much knowledge and so much spirit. I like how he stressed the hard work of meditation. Always felt like he was open to questions” ~this participant asked to remain anonymous
“Andrew’s approach to teaching is great. He is able to articulate the purpose of each lesson and how to practice in a very clear way. Learning how to settle into the body through the guided meditation was the most rewarding part for me. He really understands the meditation process and how to successfully guide someone through the steps and how to develop their practice.” `Ashley Tanko, Retail store manager
“Positive! You are very supportive and nurturing in a benign, non-threatening way that lets students get comfortable and decide how far to open up.” ~Holly
“I thought your straight-forward honest approach was very good and I like that you used personal experiences as examples.”~Rikke Vognsen
“No problems here, much more relaxed and friendly and easier to interact with than I expected. Like I said, more Q&A time would be helpful.” ~Holly Prindle
“Overall I greatly enjoyed Andrew’s teaching style. I appreciated that he brought to the class a set lesson but also always welcomed discussion and insights from students during the teachings. The guided meditations really helped me get into a good meditative state. I often had some of my best meditations at class. I did disagree with some of the teachings presented and this is something I had to mentally work past in order not let my disagreement with certain teachings affect my commitment to meditation.” ~this participant asked to remain anonymous
I think Andrew did a great job of making the class interactive and engaging. Sometimes the readings could be a bit too long but for the most part they were informative and just the right length.” ~this participant asked to remain anonymous
“Andrew is always well prepared and he is open to allowing the classes to take a different direction based on the needs and desires of the students and the things we share about our meditation experiences over the previous week. He is passionate about sharing his love of meditation and to open OUR hearts and minds to the possibilities he has discovered for himself.” ~Terri, school teacher’
“I loved how you led discussion and gave plenty of time for discussion to unfold. Also, you were very open to people’s ideas and you didn’t seem rigid about your own ideas. That felt very welcoming. I also liked hearing about your own experiencing that I could relate to (with work, etc.). Having a teacher I could relate to was very important.” ~this participant asked to remain anonymous