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Category Archives: blog posts

Mindfulness Meditation – is it the best meditation style for you?

Mindfulness Meditation has gained a lot of popularity. So what is it exactly? Mindfulness meditation is often talked about as the new ‘big’ thing in meditation. Perhaps this is so because many people are searching for a meditation style that isn’t Buddhist or Eastern in general. There is nothing wrong with Buddhist or any Eastern …

Creative Visualization – You’re Doing it Anyway

Even if you aren’t conscious of what you are putting out, you are still visualizing what you want only unconsciously Creative visualization is generally associated with a conscious effort to imagine things you want and thus attract them into your life. There is no doubt that this works. But since everyone’s lives are living creations …

Meditation for Parents: Have you Tried?

Meditation for Parents in Charleston, SC Have you considered that each child is a soul and thus requires slightly different direction as they grow and mature? In fact, it might be that 2 kids in the same home require RADICALLY different rearing because their needs are so different. This is one of the lesser know …

God and Meditation

Finding God through Meditation Takes Time. The Patient and Disciplined Seeker is Rewarded with the Peace that Passes All Understanding. It sometimes surprises me how many or more accurately how few people get excited about God. In my experience, God is utterly amazing, an absolutely benevolent being that created all things. Perhaps people think that …

What is Mindful Vinyasa Flow?

We link the terms “Mindful” and “Vinyasa,” to create a practice that utilizes the components of a Vinyasa yoga class with more awareness The term Vinyasa alone means connection. Connection to what you might ask? As with any yoga practice, we are constantly connecting to our breath. In Vinyasa in particular, we are connecting breath …

The Philosophy of Meditation from an Athlete’s Perspective

Keeping your mind quiet, or mindfulness meditation, is proven to increase creativity, help deal with pain, and ease anxiety. For avid golfers, the last benefit is probably the most essential of all. The Mindful Golfer’s Stephen Altschuler wrote a feature article on the relationship of golf, a player’s nerves, and meditation. One key takeaway from …

Partner Yoga, Couples Yoga… How do we Get Started?

Partner yoga or couples yoga is NOT only for romantic couples There is  a version of Hatha yoga where partners support each other in modified sequences called partner yoga. This is becoming more and more popular for obvious reasons… it helps the yoginis get their men into the studio and onto the mat!  But it can also be a …

How Restorative Yoga Affects Stress

Many millennium ago, our ingenious bodies developed what’s known as the stress response or “fight or flight” as a way for our pre-human ancestors to survive. A bear attack, for instance, produces a rise in hormone levels, respiration, heart rate, and blood pressure to prepare for a possible catastrophic event. While most of us today …

Meditation – The Unique Road to You

By Joseph Drumheller (guest writer) For me, meditation is all about joy and passion.  It’s a mindful opening of a doorway to the greatest version of who you are meant to be.  Through the mysterious world of deep relaxation, the gateway to the truest path of who you are can be opened. When you relax, you …

6 Tips to Having an Extraordinary Meditation Experience

Seeking an awesome meditation experience, yet cursed with “Monkey Mind“? Well, don’t worry. You are not alone. Many people hope for a great meditation experience and still find meditation difficult because of the many thoughts that rush through their mind as soon as they attempt to sit completely still to meditate.  This is known among …

Yoga and Meditation for the Mesothelioma Patient

Mesothelioma Diagnosis Doesn’t Have to Be The End of Life There is no good type of cancer to have, but certainly one of the worst is mesothelioma. Many people ended up with this awful cancer after working around asbestos for years and never having been warned of the risks of doing so. These people with mesothelioma often …

Yoga In Bed!

Yoga in Bed… a few minutes of stretching first thing or before lights out If you have ever just wanted to sneak in a few poses early in the morning while still in bed… or if you missed your favorite yoga class and want to do a little stretching before lights out, here are some …

Yoga for Guys. What’s the Difference?

Yoga for Guys: Overcoming Reservations about Flexibility, Pain and a  ‘less intense’ Workout Ever since yoga first began in India, the practice was primarily taught and studied by men. When it comes to yoga today, women are showing up to practice yoga far more than men. This speaks for yogis and yoginis practicing in the …

Why Yoga for Athletes?

Yoga for Athletes will Alleviate Overdevelopment and Underdevelopment in Certain Muscle Groups Whether you run, bike, swim, play tennis, shoot hoops, perform crossfit, or play any other sport, yoga for athletes is continuing to prove itself as a wonderful benefit and compliment for any training regiment. According to Sage Rountree of Yoga Journal, athletes tend to be …

Crystal Bowls Sound Meditation to Quiet the MInd

Crystal Bowls Sound Meditation Assists in Quieting the Mind Enchanting and peaceful, crystal singing bowls produce resonate pure tone notes that start soft then grow quiet loud. The vibration they emit affects the physical, mental and subtle bodies. The sound is so resonate that people actually feel it rushing through them, calming them, and quieting …